
On the fence

Jesus Christ permitted no fence riding. In the world we live in it is easy to see the vascillation of opinion, what people perceive as truth, and on the choice of "religion". Christ in Matthew 12:30 said "He who is not with me is against me." What does it mean to be with Him? Abiding might be a good definition, believing Him for who He is an even better one. But our belief must push us off the fence and on to action. Today are you a fence rider, or is your faith in Christ a real faith?
May I encourage you to be with Christ and not to scatter away from Him.


End of the spear

1 Samuel 20:35-42
Jonathan and David were the best of friends. In chapter 18 samuel tells us that the souls of Jonathan and David were knit together, they were inseperable. Now King Saul, Jonathan's father, hated David,the newly anointed King. Saul wanted David dead, and in verse 33 of chapter 20 Saul actually throws his spear at his own son because of his friendship with king David. What a challenge for us! To not be afraid to risk anything and everything to be true to the King, Jesus Christ.


Ambassador for Christ!

Represent!! That is what some say when they are "hangin' out" with their friends, trying to say that that is what they are about. As christians what are we about?
Paul the apostle wrote in 2nd corinthians 5:20 that he was an ambassador for Christ, he REPRESENTED Jesus Christ, Christ is who he was about. Today, as you are in Christ, what or who are you about, who do you represent?
May I encourage you to represent Christ, for He is the only one worth representing anyway.