
Politics, Politics.

Can any man really determine the outcome of this country? President or not? This country has decided to take God out of almost everything except churches. Can we expect that men, imperfect men, can exact the kind of changes this country needs, republican or democrat? It is so tiring to hear christians talk about this election as if the next president will end abortion, stop same sex marriage, promote intolerance of these kinds of acts, and instill the christian ethics that this country was founded on. It is my opinion that Jesus Christ is the one that should get our vote on election day and everyday! May we as Christians realize that yes it is good to be informed, and yes it is good to be involved to a degree, but to go to bed talking about politics and to wake up talking about it is placing an undeserved emphasis on a system that has proven itself to be lacking the backbone to stand up for Jesus Christ. May the Lord be a blessing today for you and may matthew 6:33 penetrate your heart as you seek HIS KINGDOM FIRST!


"The widows MIGHT" Mark:12:41-44

A poor widow is the main character of this life lesson of faith. Having placed all that she had into the treasury, (2 copper coins= 1/64 of a denarius). Jesus tells his disciples that she had just placed more than all the other contributors had placed into the treasury. Two mites was not what this widow had trusted in, for if she had she might not have let them go. Her MIGHT was in God to whom the treasury ultimately belonged! May we learn a lesson from this glance of history that was chosen to be recorded for us. All that we have is only what God has given us, and may our mites not get into the way of His MIGHT!


Five and two! John 6:1-11

Have you ever thought that maybe God can't use you now? That He is waiting until your older to use you, maybe when you have "more talents". In this passage of scripture a "young lad" was willing to give what he had to Jesus. Two fish and five loaves seem as nothing when looking out on five thousand men, nevermind women and children also. Stop and think today about who it was that took what the lad was willing to give....Jesus. If you are willing to give what you have no matter how insignificant you might think it is to Jesus, He can use it to great things. In verse eleven we see that the people had all they wanted with left overs. Five and two, insignificant, but not when given to Jesus!