
"Let down your net" Luke 5: 1-11

To trust God fully we all must be willing to "let down our nets" and allow God to do His work in our lives through our faith. Peter was about to embark on the most adventurous and life changing journey of his life. Jesus was calling him not only to Himself but also to the winning of lost souls. But Peter had not yet surrendered his WHOLE life to the call of Christ. As Jesus turns to Peter and tells him to launch out into the deep for a catch in verse four, we find Peter resorting to the inside box of his own understanding and experience.vs 5.

But Peter inclines his ear and heart to what Jesus said to Him. Almost reluctantly Peter "Lets down his net" and trusts that Jesus knows best. If we could only learn this lesson of trust. No matter the outcome of our different scenarios of life, nor the circumstances in which we find ourselves, if we only could "let down our nets" then maybe we could reap the benefits and blessings that our Lord has waiting for us. Peter was able to trust Jesus to let down his nets for good and surrender his life to become what Jesus had said he would become, "A fisher of men".