

What is service? Is it something that comes from our desire to be seen by men to be righteous? Is it about storing up treasure in heaven? What is service? I think service is about being a living sacrafice, being available to help a need that takes more than a casual look or glance, investment might be an accurate word to describe what service should be. "For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you as the one who serves." ONE WHO SERVES.... Jesus Christ. Why do you think he served?


Don't glory in sin Psalm 51:16-17

King David, a mighty warrior, blessed beyond measure, a servant of God. And yet in these verses we find David writing straight from his broken heart! Broken over the sins he has committed against his God. David in verse sixteen expresses his desire to give anything that would bring him back into a right relationship with his God. "You do not delight in sacrafice, otherwise I WOULD GIVE IT" David says! Here we have King David, unbreakable, valiant, a a warrior. May we be willing to be as King David was, valiant enough to be humble and contrite in heart, because of a deep repentance and regret for our sin! 17 "The sacrafices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart O God, You do not despise" Heres a question.... When is the last time we fasted because of our sin? Is sin that serious to you? There's no pride in sinning once you realize how important your relationship with God is.