
"Before day break" Luke 22:31-62

Consider the story of Peter's denial of Christ. Peter without hesitation ( vs. 33) said that he would be willing to go to prison and to the grave with Jesus! What faith and loyalty he must have had. And even in the garden when the Roman soldiers came to take Jesus away, being led by Judas the betrayer, who was it that drew his sword to fight for Christ? Peter. But notice who was around when Peter made this statement of loyalty and devotion. (vs.14) Just Christ and the other Apostles. And when he bowed out instead of proclaiming that he knew Christ, who was around? (vss.54-62) The courtyard. It might be easier for us to express our devotion and loyalty when we are in church, but what about when we are out in the "courtyard"? Does our tongue speak devotion and loyalty to Christ while with the saints and then while with the world we deny him before "day break" ? May we find encouragement from Peter, because in the end he did go to prison and die for Christ!

1 comment:

LynMichellelovesJesus said...

I really love how you pointed out how easy it is to proclaim Christ when we are with Christ and his believers but then when with are with non believers we "bow out" and basically do not stand for him. THIS blog IS VERY ENCOURAGING! Because I need to do more proclaiming.....BEFORE ALL PEOPLE!! :-)